PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveAutomate the Boring Stuff of Starting a Django ProjectRun a script that sets the project the way you needMar 11, 20221Mar 11, 20221
PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveCreate a Django App with Login-Restricted PagesNow only authorized users will see your app pagesMar 4, 20221Mar 4, 20221
PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveBuild a Django CRUD App by Using Class-Based ViewsYes, it is that easy and fast with DjangoFeb 28, 20223Feb 28, 20223
PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveUse Python Scripts to Insert CSV Data into Django DatabasesDjango-extensions is the tool you were looking forFeb 21, 20224Feb 21, 20224
PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveDjango first steps for the total beginners: a quick tutorialLearn how to embed Plotly graphs in Django apps, among other subjectsFeb 15, 20224Feb 15, 20224
Published inTDS ArchiveCreate Your requirements.txt Using This TechniqueStop using ‘pip freeze’ without additional filtersApr 13, 20223Apr 13, 20223
Published inBetter ProgrammingSave First, Parse Later: In Defense of a Different Approach to Web ScrapingMake fewer page requests and still get all the info you need by using this strategyDec 14, 20211Dec 14, 20211
Published inTDS ArchiveHow to convert a Python Jupyter notebook into an RMarkdown filePythonist, give RMarkdown a try and prepare to be amazed!Sep 15, 20213Sep 15, 20213
Using RSelenium for task automation and web scrapingCheck out both R and Python complete codes for this tutorial on my Github page.Jun 28, 2021Jun 28, 2021
Published inAnalytics VidhyaPython and Openpyxl: Gather Thousands of Excel Workbooks Into a Single FileBecome a spreadsheet wizard with Python!Apr 8, 20213Apr 8, 20213